Check our latest updates.
v5.0 - February 2025
- UPDATE - Figma plugin list (recommend + already used in the file).
This plugins will help you in your workflow and automatize some of you tasks. - UPDATE - Variables
We adapted the variable structure with the latest design system best practices, including PRIMITIVES and SEMANTIC collections. - UPDATE - Guides
We updated our welcome guides to help you better onboard when starting using Core. - NEW - Responsive mode
We now have a responsive mode to switch between mobile an desktop and adapt type scales. - NEW - Color Accessibility
Check your color contrast with some pre-build sections and a recommend plugin. - NEW - Components
We added Modal, Progress Indicator, Table and Tabs components - NEW - Figmayo documentation tool
We started our collaboration with Figmayo to help you get started with an online documentation tools.
v4.2 - September 2024
- NEW - Checklist file
This new file will help you ensure all key aspects—such as guidelines, components, and documentation—are covered and consistent. This checklist will be useful for maintaining quality, promoting consistency, and streamlining the design process. - NEW - Plugins to install
In order to use the whole potential of this kit, we added a list of Figma plugins that you will need.
v4.1 - July 2024
- NEW - Checklist for Foundations
- NEW - Variables for typography
We added a variable to manage your maximal line-length for body text. - NEW - Cover Component
We create a special cover for design library files - UPDATE - Font sizes variable names
Renamed font sizes variables to match color naming system - UPDATE - Typography variables scoping
v4.0 - April 2024
- NEW - Typography Variables
You can now connect your Text Styles to Typography Variables. - NEW - Accessibility
We added a page to help you check your accessibility. - NEW - Component checklist
Keep track of your component health with this really helpful checklist. - UPDATE - Plugin Local Print
We included this plugin to automatically display current variables for Typography, Colors and Spacing - UPDATE - Intern components
Better customize your files with mor intern components.
v3.3 - December 2023
- NEW - Components
We added new well-crafted components to our kit: cards, avatar, badge, checkbox and accordion. - UPDATE - File structure
We updated the full file structure to make it even more user friendly.
v3.2 - September 2023
- NEW - Variables page
To have a better overview of your variables, we created a dedicated page that you can share with your team. - UPDATE - Icon library
We extended our icon library. Over 300 icons available now in filled or outline version. - UPDATE - Naming
We cleaned all our layers name
v3.1 - August 2023
- NEW - Overview
Page for Foundations and Components with quick links for easy access. - UPDATE - Typography
We added more text styles: form label, form hint and button text. - UPDATE - Colors
Added new range of shades for primary, signals and neutral. - UPDATE - Variables
New collection of PRIMITVES and TOKENS following the latest standards. - UPDATE - Buttons
Added new states and the option for left and right icon. - UPDATE - Input Field
Added new states and the option for left and right icon.
v3.0 - June 2023
- NEW - complete redesign and refactoring of the Figma file.
- NEW - components: Notification, Header Navigation & Footer Navigation.
- UPDATE - Typography: added max-width documentation for body text.
- UPDATE - Colors: added color usage page for a quick understanding for what colors are used for.
- UPDATE - Spacing system: added spacing system to Variables + documentation.
- UPDATE - Buttons: updated Variants using last Figma features.